Family Dentist in Exton,Malvern,Paoli, West Chester | (610) 240-7730
Family Dentist in Exton,Malvern,Paoli, West Chester | (610) 240-7730
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Do you have any teeth that are missing? Are you embarrassed and haven’t smiled in a long time? Do you ever get the feeling that others are staring at you in a different way? Are you unable to consume the foods that you desire? You’re not the only one who feels this way. Life is difficult when you don’t have teeth, and your confidence suffers as a result. Are you looking for a new set of teeth? So, why haven’t you given dentures a chance?
Dentures are our specialty at Mora Dental. Fitting, anchoring, repairing, and cleaning are all services we provide. Come see our denture specialists now.
Are you concerned that dentures will be too costly? Do you believe the surgery is unpleasant? Many people who require dentures do not act because they feel they will be unable to finance them and are concerned about the pain.
They look great and are affordable. If you need new dentures, repaired dentures, or upgraded and more secure dentures, Mora Dental can help you.
They are a wonderful option to replace missing teeth.
You can never feel confident when you have missing teeth. People are perplexed as to why you haven’t had your teeth corrected. They are judging you. You may speak differently if you have missing teeth. You’ve stopped grinning. All of this can be fixed with dentures, and you can regain your confidence.
Eat More Healthily
Missing teeth make it difficult to consume the foods you enjoy. Your body isn’t getting the nutrients it requires. Your selections are limited while dining out with friends and family, which is embarrassing. Dentures allow you to eat all the foods you enjoy while also providing the nutrition you require for optimal health.
Dental Care
They restore the health of your mouth. Teeth are necessary for the health of your bones. When teeth are gone, the bone begins to shrink, giving your face an odd appearance. They maintain the health of your maxillary or mandibular bone and remaining teeth, while also improving your appearance.
Call Mora Family Dentistry right now to schedule a consultation by calling (610) 240-7730.
Types of dentures
If you decide to acquire new dentures, you will have various options to pick from. There is one for everyone, regardless of their budget or ambitions.
Traditional Full
Both your upper and lower sets of lost teeth will be covered by full dentures. They’re utilized when you’ve lost all of your natural teeth. If properly cared for, they can last up to ten years.
When one or more of your natural teeth need to be replaced, partials are an excellent option.They stay attached to your good teeth and prevent them from shifting.
They are permanently fixed and secured. You won’t have to worry about them sliding or shifting on you because they have a more natural fit. You also don’t have to take them out to clean them; simply brush them in your mouth like you would natural teeth. They are secured to your jawbone with a few implants.
They are permanently fixed and secured. You won’t have to worry about them sliding or shifting on you because they have a more natural fit. You also don’t have to take them out to clean them; simply brush them in your mouth like you would natural teeth. They are secured to your jawbone with a few implants.
They are permanently fixed and secured. You won’t have to worry about them sliding or shifting on you because they have a more natural fit. You also don’t have to take them out to clean them; simply brush them in your mouth like you would natural teeth. They are secured to your jawbone with a few implants.
They are permanently fixed and secured. You won’t have to worry about them sliding or shifting on you because they have a more natural fit. You also don’t have to take them out to clean them; simply brush them in your mouth like you would natural teeth. They are secured to your jawbone with a few implants.
They are permanently fixed and secured. You won’t have to worry about them sliding or shifting on you because they have a more natural fit. You also don’t have to take them out to clean them; simply brush them in your mouth like you would natural teeth. They are secured to your jawbone with a few implants.

Family Dentist in Exton,Malvern,Paoli, West Chester | (610) 240-7730

Are you sick of hearing your teeth click, move, and pop out of your mouth? Upgrading to anchored dentures is a long-term option that will put an end to your frustration. Dentures that are anchored stay in your mouth for the rest of your life. They have a more natural feel and appearance.

Is it time to clean or repair your dentures? If you have broken or damaged teeth in your dentures, we can replace them in our office. Call Mora Family Dentistry to book an appointment at (610) 240-7730.
¡En Mora Dental también hablamos español! El idioma no debe ser una barrera para obtener una dentadura hermosa y saludable. Llama hoy a Mora Dental para una consulta.