Family Dentist in Exton,Malvern,Paoli, West Chester | (610) 240-7730
Family Dentist in Exton,Malvern,Paoli, West Chester | (610) 240-7730
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Mora dental
Preventive dentistry is a new method of assisting you in maintaining a healthy mouth. It aids in the maintenance of your teeth, gums, and bone, resulting in fewer dental treatments. The better we work together, the more likely you are to keep your teeth for the rest of your life. Mora Dental experts will recommend the finest therapy to maintain healthy oral habits as a “preventive dentist.”
Both the dentist and the patient can assist reduce the need for more comprehensive treatment, such as fillings and extractions, by working together. Your dentist may suggest a treatment plan to get your mouth in good shape, and then work out a maintenance plan to maintain it that way.
The first step in your preventive health care is a dental exam. A dental exam comprises x-rays and a thorough examination. We’ll check for cavities and gum disease, as well as make sure that all of your fillings are in good shape and don’t need to be replaced (new ones).
The Mora doctors will assess your risk of acquiring new diseases, as well as look for anomalies in your face, neck, and mouth. Call Mora Dental for an appointment today at (610) 240-7730.
Preventive Procedure

Oral cancer is a pathologic process that starts with an asymptomatic stage in which the typical cancer symptoms aren’t always visible. As a result, the dentist’s oral cancer examinations are quite crucial.
Oral malignancies can be teratoma, adenocarcinoma, or melanoma, among other histologic forms. The malignant squamous cell carci, oma, is the most frequent type of mouth cancer. This type of oral cancer usually starts in the tissues of the lips and mouth.
Oral cancer can arise in a variety of locations in the oral cavity and maxillofacial region, including:
- Lips
- Mouth
- Tongue
- Salivary Glands
- Gums
- Face
- Oropharyngeal Region (throat)
It is important to note that around 75 percent of oral cancers are linked with modifiable behaviors such as smoking, tobacco use, and excessive alcohol consumption. Your dentist can provide literature and education on making lifestyle changes and smoking cessation. Any noticeable abnormalities in the tongue, gums, mouth or surrounding area should be evaluated by a health professional as quickly as possible. During the oral cancer exam, the dentist and dental hygienist will be scrutinizing the maxillofacial and oral regions carefully for signs of pathologic changes.
The following signs will be investigated during a routine oral cancer exam:
The following signs will be investigated during a routine oral cancer exam:
- Red patches and sores – Red patches on the floor of the mouth, the front and sides of the tongue, white or pink patches which fail to heal and slow healing sores that bleed easily can be indicative of pathologic (cancerous) changes.
- Leukoplakia – This is a hardened white or gray, a slightly raised lesion that can appear anywhere inside the mouth. Leukoplakia can be cancerous or may become cancerous if treatment is not sought.
- Lumps – Soreness, lumps or the general thickening of tissue anywhere in the throat or mouth can signal pathological problems.

Preventive Procedure
The oral cancer examination is a pain-free procedure. The dentist will look for abnormalities and feel the face, glands, and neck for strange bumps during the visual portion of the examination.
A diagnostic impression and treatment plan will be used if anomalies, lesions, leukoplakia, or masses are discovered. If the initial treatment strategy is unsuccessful, a biopsy of the affected area will be conducted. The biopsy procedure comprises a clinical evaluation to determine the stage and grade of the oral lesion.
When the epithelium’s basement membrane is disrupted, oral cancer is presumed to be present. Cancers that are malignant can easily spread to other parts of the oral and maxillofacial regions, providing additional risks. Excision, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy are some of the treatment options available, depending on the specific diagnosis.
The dentist and hygienist will extensively examine the mouth during bi-annual check-ups, but a dedicated comprehensive oral cancer screening should be performed at least once a year.
Schedule your appointment today by calling (610) 240-7730.We are located at 673 Exton Commons, Exton, PA 19341
Call Mora Dental now to schedule an appointment at (610) 240-7730.
¡En Mora Dental también hablamos español! El idioma no debe ser una barrera para obtener una dentadura hermosa y saludable. Llama hoy a Mora Dental para una consulta.